LAST UPDATED: 1 months ago
Grandlink Square Huge common room for rent
New bed frame and mattress
New ceiling
Fresh paint
Writing table
Shared bath room
Light cooking
Bi weekly common area cleaning
Condo facilities
Rental $1380pm
Utilities $100pm
Move in ready
Available now
Apartment / Condo
S$ 11 psf
November 21,2024
Shin Hwa Cheong Developemnt
Fully Furnished
130 sqft
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Assess home loan interest rates from various banks to make an informed decision when buying building-under-construction (BUC) property. Using $1.5m as the loan package.
@ 3.43% Sora, 1st year
@ 3.48% Sora, 1st year
@ 3.48% Sora, 1st year
@ 3.48% Sora, 1st year
@ 3.51% Sora, 1st year
@ 3.51% Sora, 1st year
@ 3.63% Sora, 1st year
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